Real estate

Amrita - Оценки на жилищни имоти

What is an expert valuation of real estate

The valuation of real estate gives its real monetary value to date. Each appraisal is based on an in-depth study of market conditions and a variety of factors and data about the property and the external environment. To prepare a market valuation, we apply the latest Bulgarian, European and international valuation standards and all major valuation approaches – market approach, revenue approach and cost approach.

The appraisal is performed on site by real estate appraisal experts. A set of technical, economic and legal parameters allows us to objectively assess the market value of your property compared to the current local market.

Prices are negotiated depending on the object of evaluation and the number of assets that need to be assessed. The main price list of our services can be found here.

What types of real estate we evaluate in Amrita

1. Residential properties:

  • Apartments;
  • Houses;
  • Villas;
  • Garages/parking spaces to them

We can evaluate a property after an on-site inspection. The main and most important things for the valuation are: location, type of construction, area, floor, room layout, home condition, condition of common areas, noise, view.

Amrita - Оценки на нежилищни имоти

2. Non-residential properties:

  • Offices;
  • Shops;
  • Commercial buildings;
  • Restaurants;
  • Medical centers;
  • Warehouses;
  • Industrial properties.

Non-residential properties are used as a means of production and trade, but do not have the status of a residential building. The appraisal provides an opportunity to determine the optimal approach for their use. It can be used for insurance purposes, in purchase and sale transactions, in determining the rent of buildings, in estimating the value of shares and units and others.

Amrita - Оценки на имоти, генериращи приход

3. Valuation of income-generating assets:

  • Hotels;
  • Guest house;
  • Motels;
  • Gas stations;
  • Grain depots and others;

This appraisal takes the market value and market rent and makes assumptions about facts that exist at the date of assessment – such as technical condition of the site, specific economic and market data, the existence of a lease with specific expected conditions, technical and economically justified future renovation / upgrading of the site, etc.

Amrita - Оценки на парцели - в регулация, извън регулация, с разрешение за строеж

4. Estimates of land plots – in regulation, out of regulation, with building permit.

Amrita - Оценка на незавършено строителство

5. Valuations of unfinished construction.

Amrita - Оценки на земеделски земи

6. Valuations of agricultural land.

Amrita - Оценки на електроцентрали

7. Appraisal of power plants – photovoltaic power plants, hydropower plants, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, wind turbines, biomass.

Necessary documents for real estate appraisal

In order to be able to perform the service, we need specific documentation to help us perform the assessments assigned by the client.

Residential property

  • Document(s) proving the ownership of the property in the case of ownership of land and a building (or for valuations of sites):
  • Title deed proving the ownership of the land
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property

Non-residential property

  • Title deed proving the ownership of the land
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property
  • Construction permit, approved architectural designs, executive drawings (Architecture part), permission for use/certificate of commissioningLease agreements concluded at the time of the valuation

Valuation of unfinished properties

  • Document/ s, certifying the right of ownership over the land. Notary deed for: established right to build; right to upgrade or add to an existing building;
  • Approved construction documentation;
  • Sketch (visa) for research and design.
  • Building permit and approved architectural design
  • Protocol for opening a construction site and determining the construction line and level.
  • Certificate under Art. 181, para. 2 of the Spatial Development Act for the stage of completion of rough construction

Valuation of income-generating assets

  • Document(s) proving the ownership of the property
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property
  • Construction permit, approved architectural designs, executive drawings (Architecture part), permission for use/certificate of commissioning
  • Inventory register
  • Financial statements
  • Income from beds, restaurant and other activities, number of rooms/beds and occupancy rate (for hotels) or fuel sold (for petrol filling stations) OR Lease agreements concluded at the time of the valuation

Estimates of land plots

  • Document(s) proving the ownership of the property
  • In the case of ownership of land and a building (or for valuations of sites):
  • Title deed proving the ownership of the land
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property

Valuations of agricultural land

  • Document(s) proving the ownership of the property in the case of ownership of land and a building (or for valuations of sites): Title deed proving the ownership of the land
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property

Estimates of power plants

  • Document(s) proving the ownership of the property
  • Sketch of the landed estate issued by the municipality where the property is located or Cadastral sketch/map that includes an identifier according to the Cadastre Act where a cadastral plan exists for the property
  • Construction permit, approved architectural designs, executive drawings (Architecture part), permission for use/certificate of commissioning
  • Description of the power plant
  • Inventory register
  • Financial statements
  • Contracts for the purchase of electricity and for connecting to the grid
  • Information regarding the electricity generated

Deadlines for real estate valuation

  • Apartment – 3 days
  • One-story house with adjacent land – 3-4 days
  • Commercial site /up to 100 sq.m./ – 3-5 days
  • Office /up to 200 sq. m. area / – 3-5 days
  • Land property in/out of regulation – 4-5 days
  • Warehouse with adjacent terrain /up to 300 square meters total area/ – 3-5 days

Depending on the complexity and purpose of the appraisal, our standard deadlines may vary.

For more information and questions call our phones 0700 20 035, +359 (2) 865 09 09 or contact us at