For the agricultural land or permanent crops valuation, the actual condition of the site in question and many additional factors such as location, category, state of market must be clarified.
Special clarifications and analysis of available facts and studies are also needed to assess the effectiveness of land at the date of the assessment, which would have a significant impact on the final value.
Amrita consultants can help you assess a variety of assets such as fields, agricultural land in non-urban areas, pastures, meadows, yards, and perennials plants such as orchards, vineyards and other types of arable land.
Factors in the valuation of agricultural land
Here are some of the factors that our licensed appraisers take into account when preparing a valuation:
Necessary documents for valuation of agricultural land:
Deadlines for evaluation of agricultural land and permanent crops
The deadlines for preparing an appraisal are between 3 and 7 business days, depending on the complexity and purpose of the valuation.
For more information and questions call our phones 0700 20 035, +359 (2) 865 09 09 or contact us at office@amrita.bg.